Saturday, April 11, 2009


So, today we are coloring eggs for the beloved Easter celebration tomorrow. This morning we decided to boil a dozen for coloring. All 3 of the older kids are super excited and want to "help". So, the each put eggs in the pot(big help). Jeremy, 8, asks:

J: Why are we putting them in the water to boil?
Mom: So that they are hard and we can color them.

(Jeremy ponders this for a minute)

J: So, if this makes them hard, how do you get them to turn into chocolate and stuff them with candy?

(Mom thinks for a minute about busting his bubble, answering sarcastically, or playing along)

Mom: let's go ask your Dad.
Mom: Daddy, Jeremy has something to ask you.
(Jeremy asks Dad)
Dad: (with a straight face)Well son, it is a lot like cows, you have to have a chocolate chicken for chocolate eggs, just as you need a chocolate cow for chocolate milk.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I would to see all of you sometime. Maybe I can drive out one afternoon.
Aunt B